It has been a long time since I have posted knitting and woolly things, which is why I started this blog. life has just taken an unexpected turn. I have spent many hours wondering how I or We should live with such a diagnosis as cancer. Well most of the time we just try to live and be thankful that the cancer had not spread like it does in so many people, we got a wonderful compassionate Dr and he was able to remove all the cancer. So this brings me to knitting I have continued to spin, knit, and dye some. I got 30 lbs of wool back in pin draft form from Morro Fleece Works It is beautiful!!! I have taught myself to knit socks on two circular needles and am working on the Magic loop next. This image is of a sock on two circulars. It is hand spun Romney wool warped on a Susan Forsyth self stripping board then dyed. I wanted the ruffle effect at the top of the cuff so I knitted 3 rounds of knit before the k2 p2.