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April 17, 2011



god. heartbreaking and lovely at the same time, to see all your photos. photos of chris. of the two of you. of the church in mendo (god how i love that place). photos of the boys with their dad. i'm sorry to hear you won't be posting here anymore. i somehow think if we were to ever meet, we would indeed become fast friends. and not just because of what happened to us....


Thank you, Mary, for being a testament to strength... your blog will also help others who are left behind to survive. I am so glad I found your blog, years back, and also got to meet you in person.

Bob Towery

Mary, we met only briefly but I'll always remember it. I have enjoyed your images and your prose. While I love what you do with your landscapes, for me the most encouraging thing I have seen is what wonderful young men your sons are becoming. Chris gave them a great start. That's more than some get. All the best in whatever you do. I know you'll find rewarding ways to live your life. And my best to each of your family members. Bob.

David Haas

I have a question about your blog. Please email me!

Gambolin' Man

Wow, Mary!

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